You can find vacancies in Spain on classic employment websites, for using which you shall speak Spanish:
Empleate is a free of charge service of the government of Spain, vacancy exchange platform of the employment service, supported by the government. Apart from vacancies in Spain, you can find job in municipal and public institutions here.
In Spain, there are a lot of specialized employment websites.
For example, the job offers in the area of information technologies and communications, engineers are provided on the following websites:
The website PMFARMA has been established for the doctors and physicians.
The website EMPLEOENTYRISMO is designated for employment in the tourism and hotel spheres.
Search for the vacancies for Spanish-speaking employees in restaurants and hotels in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries on the website HOSTELEO.COM.
What are vacancy aggregators? The aggregators have no proper database, they collect data on vacancies in Spain from other multiple portals, such as Infoempleo and other leaders of online recruitment. After the search results are delivered, you can see, what website is a vacancy posted on, looking at its logo:
Вакансии за рубежом