


Worker’s documents in Argentina

Document of National Identity (DNI)

The DNI is a document similar to your Social Insurance Certificate. The DNI contains your personal information. The most important thing in this document is your Personal Number. You will need this number for contracts, benefits, pensions, social insurance benefit, etc.

To apply for the DNI you must register within 90 days at the National Civil Registry (Registro Nacional de las Personas) at the place of residence in Argentina. The fee for the DNI registration is 15 Argentine pesos.

Required Documents

  • Original birth certificate certified by the Argentine Consul in the country of your citizenship, or Apostille stamped if your country of citizenship is a party to the Hague Convention.
  • Certificate of residency registration issued by the National Directorate for Migration.
  • Document confirming your residence address.

 CUIT (Clave Única de Identificación Tributaria) 

Literally — Unique Tax Identification Number. This number is issued to individuals and legal entities engaged in economic activities in Argentina.

The CUIT is Unique Tax Identification Number. Companies and institutions located in Argentina also have a CUIT, and it is required for transferring various tax payments. To obtain Unique Tax Identification Number, you must contact the Federal Administration of Public Income (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos (AFIP)) at company’s location. If you do not have a registered office or business address, the address specified in your identification card. You can either apply for a CUIT in person or through a third party. If you apply in person, you need to provide the AFIP officer with an application; if you decide to apply for CUIT through a third party, your application must be certified by the police, a bank or a notary (escribano).

A completed form «160/F» is considered an application. Individuals as well as members of cooperatives, whether they are Argentine citizens or not, must submit a copy of their DNI along with the completed form. Foreign citizens without DNI may submit a copy of their passport or a reference from the National Directorate for Migration (Dirección Nacional de Migraciones). An AFIP officer will give you a copy of your application.

CUIL (Clave Único de Identificación Laboral)

CUIL (Clave Único de Identificación Laboral) – Literally Worker's Identification Number.

This number is issued to employed individuals. Based on the information provided by your employer, this code is used to calculate your pensions, social insurance benefit, and other benefits.

This is a unique number for identifying an employee. This number is your personal tax identification number, which is indicated by your employer when withholding personal income tax and remitting taxes to the budget.

This card is necessary for the accrual and payment of your salary, as well as for financial and business operations.

There are several ways to apply for CUIL:

  • Through the website of the National Social Security Administration (Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social (ANSES))
  • In person at the Unidades de Atención Integral (UDAI), an ANSES office or service.
  • By telephone through the Unidades de Atención Telefonica (UDAT), and then you have to send your documents by mail.

Argentine citizens and foreigners residing permanently in Argentina must always present their DNI or driver's license, as well as a copy of the document showing your ID number, name, surname and residence address.

Foreigners temporarily residing in Argentina and not having a DNI must show their ID card as well as a copy of the Certificado Nacional de Población y Migraciones (DNPyM) or a permit to enter the country issued by an Argentine consulate.